For you to coach or referee, PA law requires us to keep a copy of your background clearances. Our insurance and parent organization also requires you to take a concussion awareness class and, by 2020, the Safesport Child abuse training...
We need a copy of the following documents from you:
Here is what we need:
|  | Concussion Certification Class (take only 1 of these) OR |
|  | SafeSport Child Abuse
Clearances are good for 5 years and the Concussion Certificate is good for 3 years and the Safe Sport Certificate for 2 years.
Please keep a copy of your clearances since they can be used at any school/volunteer activity and
email a copy to me, Dave McDermott, at [email protected] ASAP. --
David McDermott
NPYSL Referee Coordinator
Secretary, Board of Directors, NPYSL